Tree Nursery &
Forest Restoration
Vanishing Forests

Coastal Mangroves
Mangroves act as nature’s insurance by protecting lands from storm surges and monsoon flooding. Furthermore, they offer vital breeding and nursery grounds for marine species. Habitat loss, climate change and pollution all threaten Cambodia’s mangroves.

Tropical Rainforests
Tropical rainforests are one of the most biodiversity biomes on Earth. Cambodia’s vanishing rainforests cover just 4% of the country. They are home to endangered elephants, crocodiles, turtles, wild dogs, leopards and many species we have yet to discover.

Dry Dipterocarp
Cambodia is home to the largest contiguous strip of Dry Dipterocarp Forests in Asia. This unique forest system was once home to banteng, dhole, leopards and tigers. Unfortunately, this unique forest habitat is fading away rapidly as lands are cleared for farms.

Flooded Forests
The flooded forest along the Mekong River plays a crucial role in erosion control. It provides countless habitats for freshwater fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds. The flooded forests around Tonle Sap lake supports a myriad of water birds species.
Planting Activities at The
Nature Discovery Center
Project Vision
Our Tree Nursery & Forest Restoration Pilot’s goal is to restore natural ecosystems & reduce the impacts of global climate change by putting new seeds into soil in Siem Reap. Our aim is to have every student, teacher, tourist, visitor, staff and volunteer plant a new native tree seed each time they visit our center. This could reach up to 10,000 new seedlings a year. When mature, the saplings will be planted in protected forest habitats as part of ongoing reforestation programs in partnership with other conservation partners, government efforts and community forest programs that will guarantee long-term protection.
Our Dos
Our nursery and reforestation efforts are led by scientists and botanists who understand the realities of forest restoration, and the complexities of seed germination and nursery operations.
Threatened & Native Species
All the trees we grow are native to Cambodia. We also focus on threatened tree species. These are vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered species at high risk of extinction. These wild trees are the seedlings we prioritize, not fruits or cash crops.
Ecologically Valuable
We grow trees that provide high value to native ecosystems and wildlife habitats, and plant them in degraded landscapes where we know they will help restore forests and support the local wildlife that depend on them.
Long-term Protected Areas
Our trees will be planted only in protected areas and national parks controlled and monitored by the Ministry of Environment, local community forest programs and conservation efforts. We will partner with trusted partners to support a hundred of years of growth, follow-up, monitoring and protection.
Our Don'ts
Planting Without Protection
Trees planted on the grounds of schools, pagodas, or on public lands have no legal protections. While these may make for great photo ops, planting here does not guarantee survival, and will not support natural forest restoration. With a few exceptions, we will do our best to avoid these areas that contribute less to the restoration of wild forests.
Planting For Timber
Tree-planting in Cambodia often runs the risk of “green-washing”. This is especially true for future investment in timber. Our trees will always be protected from becoming someone’s retirement plan.
Planting Without Support
We will not plant alone. We will be working alongside local and national authorities. We will also involve our students, and share our work with other authorized and experience organizations responsible for Cambodia’s national reforestation efforts.
Planting, Not Purchasing
Fauna in Focus will be putting seeds in soil whenever possible, and plan to use bio-degradable seed bags. This way we are adding trees to Cambodia instead of buying seedlings that are already here. This is a real reforestation effort, not a marketing campaign.
Benefits of
Forest Restoration

Soil Restoration
Trees help prevent erosion and increase top-soil generation. This is vital for forest growth and agriculture. Without trees, we have no soil for plant growth.

Water Security
Forest trees help preserve underground aquifers and reduce droughts. They act as giant sponges, storing water for when it is most needed.

Wildlife Habitats
Reforestation brings back lost habitat for Cambodia’s endangered wildlife. A single tree can be home to hundreds of different species.

Carbon Storage
Forests play a major role in climate change mitigation by storing carbon dioxide. They trap carbon in their roots, bark and leaves.

A huge thank you to the individuals and businesses who have sponsored our tree planting and forest restoration efforts so far. This is still a new pilot program with a lot of room to expand. Get in touch if you would like to offset your carbon or help support a local forest restoration program. A special thanks to our main project benefactors for this, HUMY and Kingdom of WOW!